1. The head rush achieved after taking in a lot of nicotine

2. Any type of vaping device normally used with juice that has a high nicotine content
1. I caught a fat zorb after chiefing my breeze

2. Pass me the zorb I’m craving nicotine!
by Blakienator May 22, 2018
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Zorbing is the act of lubricating a womans back passage by opening said hole and hocking one down it
I zorbed that bird i took home last night, she loved it
by Saint Goosey August 31, 2005
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When you wrap your foreskin around someone's nose so they can snort your creamy smegma.
My Buddy's nose was a bit stuffy so I had to be a G and zorb him.
by Senator of the sauce March 29, 2019
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Zorbing, is the act of hitting a Salt-Nicotine device such as a Juul, and getting a light headed feeling. Is related to Zorb, can be related to Doming. This word is mostly used in Northern California. This word originated from Lincoln High School.
Yo I heard caleb, and Simon are zorbing in the bathroom right now.
by zorbinking January 20, 2019
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The act of closing a bar before the posted closing time on the door.
I tried to order us another round but I got zorbed. I thought this place was open until 2:30?

Dude I got zorbed last night... I went to the bar for a drink but they were already locked up for the evening. What the hell?
by Sheldon1982 February 13, 2011
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verb. To encase a particularly accident prone person in bubble wrap for their own protection
The dude's a mess, k-zorb him before he ends up in A+E.
She'll need k-zorbing to get through a ski trip in one piece,.
by u brain March 12, 2021
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