While having sex with a woman during her menstrual cycle, ejaculate inside of her. Afterwards, pull out and have her suck the reddish cream off of your penis. It slightly resembles the popular "Zinger" snack cake. Also, if you do this procedure to a midget, its called a Strawberry Shortcake.
"Remember that chick from the club Friday night? I took her home and gave her The Zinger!"
by Shilly Dilly November 16, 2009
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A painful manuever in which someone drives their fingers into one's back profusley.
Nick snuck up on me and gave me a zinger.
by dave April 26, 2003
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The intense ringing in your head after taking a fat hit of drugs. Ring ding dong. "Keep their heads ringing" -Dr. Dre
"Who, that was a zinger."
by Amandaisloves August 16, 2015
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A: I love zingers!
by ARGUMENT EXTENDER105 April 7, 2022
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A complete and utter scrub who thinks he is kool but is really not. Everyone knows zinger means chicken. Zinger is also a cheeky scrublord who boosted his own Ebay account. gg I deserve challenjour.
Jeez that guy is a total zinger
Wait you mean the type of Chicken ?
Indeed I do.
by Iordank May 13, 2015
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A 50/50 mix of cheap vodka and mountain dew in a common plastic water bottle. Classy, effective, and reusable.
Tony: "Bro we forgot to pregame for the party! I'm wicked sober!"
Matt: "It's ok bro, have a Zinger and you'll be all set"
by ToasterBurrito May 15, 2019
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