When you're wearing a shirt (usually short) with nothing on under the waist.
"Just shaved my pubes so I gotta Winnie the Pooh it to get some air down there"

"My boner was too big for my undies so I did some Winnie the Poohing"
by Chesty LaRou April 3, 2019
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When someone that has a large belly is wearing a shirt that is too tight or too short, and their belly sticks out- like Winnie the Pooh's.
"George sure is Winnie the Poohing today, isn't he?"

This shirt is too tight & short- I've been Winnie the Poohing all day long!
by Satchel May 6, 2005
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When a man is about to preform sexual acts he must only have a shirt leaving him nude at the waist and below
Girl: So my parents are home
Boy: Don't worry I'll just Winnie the Pooh when we're having sex
by ThatGuy May 8, 2015
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If you didn't have Winnie the Pooh in your childhood you had no childhood. Simple :)
Winnie the Pooh is my childhood
by teardvrpz February 13, 2022
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The original Winnie-the-Pooh, NOT the Disney one. He wears no clothes and is a light yellow.
Winnie-the-Pooh likes to eat hunny.
by Winnie-THER-Pooh June 28, 2022
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A Winnie The Pooh is when a guy spreads honey on his dick, puts an ecstasy bean on the end and rams a girl in the ass. About mid-sex, she starts rolling
Jason winnie the poohed Megan with a bean and honey. Both enjoyed it quite much
by Brown Bear :) July 11, 2008
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