exclamatory way of asking someone's identity
"You fucked Paul? Whodat, bitch??" (while slapping)
by geek October 24, 2003
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When on the phone or at the door and asking the person on the other end..."who is there or who am I speaking with"
T-Dogg gets a call at 2am and picks up the phone and asks "Whodat callin me at fo in da mo'nin'??"
by Anonymous October 23, 2003
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ebonic term meaning 'whose that" or "who is that"
whodat bangin my mother?
whodat banged my mother?
by tima October 25, 2003
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Who is this person that you are referring to in your language.
by Curly Skillvis October 25, 2003
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Inquiring as to the identity of a certain person in attendance at a party, in the club, or within the general vicinity of the speaker.
Whodat mahfucker talkin' to my bitch?
by DJlongstroke November 12, 2018
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celebrating the Saints win/ supporting the Saints with an article of clothing or accessory

Both men and women can whodat.

whodat, whodatting, whodatted
Whodatting may include:

- wearing gold/black/white
- wearing a shirt, hoodie, jewelry, purse, etc. with the Saints logo
- painting your nails gold/black/white stripes
by Kimberley130 February 8, 2010
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