If you know an Audrey, you are the luckiest person in the world. Audrey's have a short temper, but will always have your back in the worst times. They degrade themselves, are sometimes emotionally unstable, and take things to heart, but when it comes to having a good time and protecting others, they'll be ready. Audrey's are typically short, have prrfect cheekbones, and the best smile. Not to mention how unbelievably gorgeous they are. Audrey's always think they're the ugliest in the group, but it's by far the other way around.
Person 1 : "Woah, who was that?"
Person 2: "Oh, you mean Audrey?"
Person 1: "She's gorgeous"
by Crowmi May 14, 2021
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She loves you more than you know. She'll pick you up when you fall even when she needs picking up herself. Audrey's had a hard past but doesn't like to talk about it. She thinks about her future and has big goals for herself. If you have an Audrey, you are one lucky person. However, don't get on her bad side because you'll be dead in minutes. Audrey's are beautiful and have the prettiest eyes. When she walks in a room a glow comes with her.
"I met this girl..."
Friend:"Whats her name?"
"Audrey, she's really pretty."
"well dont let go of her. She the best thing that will ever happen to you"
by Katdancer.29 March 21, 2022
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Audrey is one of a kind. It's impossible to have one sure definition of Audrey, because she always finds a new way to amaze you. Just when you think she's at her best, she'll pull a new trick out of her sleeve, and leave you breathless. Audrey is a wonderful girl to be around, and you will cherish every moment of her time. The only thing that comes close to being beside Audrey, is being beside God himself, in heaven. Audrey is truly an angel. She might not have wings, but she lifts me up so high, sometimes I think she can fly. Audrey is perfect for me. If you have an Audrey in your life, make sure you make her feel like the most special, amazing girl on the planet, because she is. Audrey is smart enough to admit that she's beautiful, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't tell her every 5 minutes. She is a blast to be around, more fun than the most fun activity you can think of. She will make you smile until your face falls off. She is almost too sweet, it feels unreal. She's so humble, honest, loyal, and a truly amazing girlfriend. If you're fortunate enough to find an Audrey, never let her go, because it will be the biggest regret of your life. She is so precious, and pulchridtudinous. I love Audrey with all my heart, and maybe after reading this definition, you will too!
Person 1: Have you seen Audrey today?
Person 2: How could I not have, she lights up the room like an angel!!
Person 1: I know right, I must be in heaven!!
by We're ac so We're cool September 26, 2021
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Audrey, with a face like hers she could land in pictures; However might not know it.
For beautiful eyes, she looks for the good in others. For beautiful lips, she speaks only words of kindness and for poise, she walk’s with the knowledge that she is never alone.
That lady that just helped me is so Audrey, I love shopping here!
by da El Pato February 2, 2010
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Audreys are always stunningly gorgeous. She can be bossy at times but that can be a good thing. She always knows what to say and will stand up for her friends. She's hardcore and is usually the one to start a statement. Her friends are girls AND boys and she treats them all equally. She can usually find herself falling back in love with the same person she once fell in love with. She just wants to find the right guy. When it comes to music her taste is off the charts! And her clothes are always gonna make you turn your head and look with awe. Shes thin but her butt and thighs are to die for. Every girl wishes she was an Audrey.
Guy1: Woah I think I'm in love.
Guy2: Seriously? With who?
Guy1: Audrey, I couldn't stop staring at her!
Guy2: Hey there calm down!
Guy1: Do you think she'd ever fall for me?
Guy2: I think she'd fall for you twice.
Audrey: Hi guys.
Guy1: I love you Audrey!
Audrey: I-I love you too.
by Scarecrow44 December 6, 2010
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If you know a Audrey you are blessed. She has excellent grades.Audrey is a very beautiful girl who is unique, kind, funny, and very very very intelligent. She isn't very loud and is always shy. She has problems sticking up for herself and telling people how she feels, but she knows her true friends have her back. She needs a lot of friends to feel secure being alone gives her anxiety and she will over think things. So do your part and become friends with an Audrey.
Audrey is an awesome friend!
by Chamomile soups October 20, 2019
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