A way to happily flip-off people!
m4plecrack: plz let me have that blood chaose robe!!
UberxPwn: t(^_^t)
by you know....THAT guy! (Kevin) October 15, 2006
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A discrete or abbreviated way for a person to state that their pronouns are they/them. It’s typically put in someone’s bio.
person 1: “why do you have t/t in your bio? what does that mean?”

person 2: “it means i use they/them pronouns”

p1: “oh ok that’s cool”
by cracker68272 February 18, 2021
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An alternate to the kirby dance in the IM forums. used to represent a less happy and more F*ck YEAH! approach to the topic.
Dude1: you gonna mosh at that party?
Dude2: HELLZ YEAH! Imma be all like <(^^<) t(-.-t) (>^^)>
Dude1: Awesome...
by Animefiend7 March 17, 2008
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Hernando: You're a cocksucker, jeremy.
Jeremy: t('_'t) right here, pal.
by Pseudonym Psteve July 17, 2004
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this is an emoji used when you're pissed off at someone. or don't give a f*ck about what someone said. ?
Angry person: Ugh , t(-_-t) , don't talk to me!
by zheesus! January 2, 2016
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