When all of the tracks on an album sound like shit.
by Sgt13echo May 18, 2015
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Used to express that a surprising victory or zinger has occurred.

(Usually accompanied by a two-handed gesture: both arms up, palms forward. Then, swing wrists so that your palms end facing the floor without moving your arms. Do this as you say "swish")
"She hid the beer, but I found it."

"Oh, swish!"
by DrMomentum June 2, 2004
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The action of carrying out & completing a task that you have to do. Alternative expression for ticking something off a 'To Do' list.
Q: "Did you remember to buy some coffee today?
A: "Yes, I swished it earlier."
Q: "And did you get any sugar?"
A: "Oo no, I'll add it to my swish list and do it tomorrow."
by Stella-Bella! February 22, 2011
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The word Swish derives from the term cool

Also related to words sweet, kewl, mad, etc.
BoB: check out my new single bed
Frank: did those urine stains come with it?
BoB: yer
Frank: ooh Swish dude!
by redevil01 <Philli August 4, 2003
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an expression of excitement; an exclamation of an event worth celebrating in the moment; to be rad.
1.AAHH, that rhyme was SWISH doggy dogg!

2.(after doing something cool)...SWISH!

3.Your new kicks are SWISH!
by Al gurl January 12, 2009
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My new jeans are very swish.
by larry says hi October 15, 2005
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When a woman sucks the entire genitalia of of a male. This is includes the entire penis as well as the scrotum. Usually the penis and balls are small enough to allow the woman to swish the items around in her mouth.
Kristi was swishing on Craigs shit yo!
by Mr Crisp August 21, 2011
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