jack: hey man can I get some of your secret homie special sauce?
Frank: yeah dude anything for the homies
by ppfard July 27, 2021
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Guy: Dude, this ain't coke, it's nothin but baking flour.
Skeazy Dealer: Bullshit. This coke is the bee's knees. I got it from my cuz, yo.
Guy: Listen "bro", "Don't ejaculate in my mayonaise and call it special sauce." You and your "cuz" can go fuck yourselves.
by Brazzell Dazzle August 24, 2009
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When a guy makes an asian girl lick duck sauce from his ass crack, then smashes a fortune cookie on her head.
I heard some dude Amos from that party got a duck sauce special from Kitara, what a grom!
by Dr. Grommer, MD November 12, 2009
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The magical white juice that comes out of the tippy top of our long ass penises
I want to Add some "special" sauce in our sexy time, Ginger!
by ChuckenMan8478 March 3, 2021
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the cum and blood mixture from virgin creampies
when you rape a virgin and the blood and cum drips out,that be the special sauce
by silentscope55211 October 11, 2019
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A very special drink. A famous way to drink it, is with Mountain Dew or Tonic Water. You can find it in the upper cupboard (that's the hiding place) in a cozy house in Northern New York.

DANGER: be careful when you're trying to steal it, the owner (-->Kais) could get anger problems and loose control, and there could also be a pretty crazy guy named MCM in the house, who wouldn't really appreciate it when you'd steal his weekly treat!

also found in: tomato sauce (vodka edition)

ok maybe its just vodka.
V, I NEED Special Sauce!

This Seltzer tastes like nothing, It feels like there's something missing. Something Special. Special Sauce!
by pop tarts are healthy November 11, 2019
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