1.The greatest, the best ever, simply the shit...

2.A track on the Snoop Dogg's classic hip hop album Doggystyle. One of the toughest joints on that record.
1. A:Hey, what yo think bout that beat man?

B:Maan, this beat goes hard, it's the shiznit!

2. A: I love Doggystyle couse Jin&Juice was the track that brought Snoop on the top of the game!

B:You don't know shit, if you had actually listened to the record you would know The Shiznit is the best track on it!
by thesinner92 September 1, 2010
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Expresses extensive emotional satisfaction or glorification of any given noun. Often used by those who lack the vocabulary to express the true essence of the situation.
Other meanings: Shit, fecies, poo, doodoo, dung, crap and excrement.

Shiznit can also be used interjectionally.

Generally "shiznit" can be seen as a last resort when all other means of expression fail.
Shiznit! That whip is the absolute and utter shiznit!
by Humpty Dizzle February 21, 2005
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Euphemism for "shit". Often used when in the middle of "shit" when you remember you shouldn't cuss in front of children.
"Oh shi...znit i forgot i was supposed to pay the phone bill!"

"Mommy, what does shiznit mean?"
by ocdbludsuker January 25, 2010
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a word thats used by an eleven year old who isnt allowed to say shit and is just trying to be straight up funny but seriously isnt
girl: i’m going to disney tomorrow!
annoying girl: oh shiznit! i forgot!
by shiznit kid November 2, 2019
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Another word for: "Oh Sh*t!", "Shoot!" or, "Oh rats!" An Exclamation.
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amy is the shiznit, in our school.
adjective 2:
amy is the shiznitest person in the world.
by mike March 12, 2005
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