Air Force term, a good hit on a ground target.
by Sonic February 6, 2003
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"hey neill, wanna smoke some shack?"
by KushShady December 16, 2013
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When a slampiece spends the night with her frat-daddy in his cold-air. Usually does the walk of shame home in at least one article of his clothing.
Girl 1: Hey where were you last night? I didn't see you in your bed.

Girl 2: I was shacking with my frat-daddy!
by AXO Princess January 6, 2011
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(Verb) To more or less bring someone home from the bar.
by Dr. Schmegma May 19, 2003
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A term used by people from Southern California and it describes any nicotine delivery device. Commonly a juul.
1: Yo dude can I get a quick shack? I’m fiending!!
2: ofcouce bro I got mango

1: dude I’m so fucking shacked right now
2: yeah dude those 6% eon pods get you hella shacked
by Pacificpalisides November 18, 2018
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