a food that people like to eat with custard
what are we having for dessert, ma?
oh, um, how about rhubarb and custard?
by +*+*+*+*+ August 9, 2007
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Only the coolest word you will come accross.
It defines tom hume and katie thornton cause they are soo totally rhubarb, rhuabarb meaning really cool.
Its cause we're rhubarb. :D
"haha its cause im cool"
"Yeh your cool but i'm rhubarb"
"ermm... okay?"
by ktxoxoxkt March 1, 2009
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adjective. Melancholic frustration or sadness associated with the apparent helplessness and inescapability of repetitive or redundant tasks.
"Man, I've been feeling pretty rhubarb about school lately."

"Did you hear Bill got a new job as the guy who puts erasers on pencils?" "Yeah, I hear he's been pretty rhubarb about the whole thing."
by smileyface April 9, 2008
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To be extremely hardcore. Or something that is very intense.
Hey man, this metal band is sooooo rhubarb!!

Dude, that ride was freaking rhubarb!
by Mike littoris October 22, 2008
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