A friendship that is formed when two people are put in a situation outside of their control. Most applicable when the two individuals have little in common and otherwise would not form a relationship.
Jim: "So how did you and Bob meet? The two of you don't seem like you have much in common."
Frank: "I was on a skiing trip and Bob and I ended up on the same gondola...I guess you could call it a proximity friendship."
by Jonny T September 17, 2007
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Pooping into the tank of a toilet, and taking the float out. This will make poopy water overflow from the toilet tank. The pure genious of this action is that most people almost always leave the bathroom while the tank is still filling.
"I went to that frat house last night and planted a proximity mine, by taking the float out and pooping in the tank of one of their toilets."
by Pantanto May 1, 2004
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The nerve sensor inside your rectum that causes you to feel an increasing urgency to poop the closer you get to a toilet. The proximity sensor is activated by an already present need to take a crap. Once in the vicinity of a restroom, your proximity sensor will alert you that you are running out of time to reach the toilet and drop your pants, or suffer the consequences...
As I walked towards the bathroom, cheeks tightly clenched, my proximity sensor went crazy and I nearly pooped my pants before I could sit down.
by igottago... July 29, 2011
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A girl who has been tortured for 2+ years blindfolded who screams whenever she hears the door open.
Watch out dale my proximity alarm might go off if you open my basement door!
by Yæt January 2, 2021
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When in close proximity to one you care deeply about, or just purely have the raging hots for, you make insanely stupid and inexplicable mistakes.
Lori, I know I really eff'd up our dinner order...but every time I'm near you I suffer major proximity errors! I can't help it...it's what you do to me!
by jfwordsmythe December 13, 2016
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To engage in sexual relations with the person who is the nearest geographical distance to you. This usually occurs without regard for self worth.
Although Alan had been making eye contact with the fetching young woman across the bar, he decided to indiscriminately proximity fuck the less attractive, unsavory woman to his immediate right, out of ease.

Following the devastation of Tom's breakup, he went to a bar and proximity fucked the first woman he met.
by SaucyK January 21, 2012
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A method of washing for when you have no hot water. You strip off and stand near the running water, using it to create a lather with soap, and rub that on yourself whilst you wait for the shower to reach the desired temperature. Useful in a hurry.
The boiler was out this morning so I took a proximity shower. It was awkward, but at least I'm clean.
by notmereally November 29, 2009
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