1. A very misunderstood group of people: They protect you, they keep murderers, rapists, and other such motherfuckers off the streets.
2. Assholes about loud music.
1. None.
2. "Dude, someone called the cops on my gig last night!"
by Mrs. Emonds February 19, 2005
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A unit which is active in multiple nations across the world. Training in forms of law enforcement which include; handling critical situations, traffic enforcement, locating persons, deployment of firearms, EVO ( Emergency Vehicle Operation ).

Some people do not respect these individuals, usually due to a bad experience.

Police Officers are usually seen most active in Traffic Enforcement as this is their prime link to the public.
"The Police arrested an individual at the local bar last night after he was found to be in possession of a drug which had been found illegal by the U.S. Supreme Court."
by ImThe5-0 March 2, 2004
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1. People no one likes because they are usually arrogant about being some kind of badass.
2. People who are SUPPOSED to catch criminals, but usually are too busy giving tickets to people for playing their stereo too loud near the old folks home.
2. Someone You talk shit about unless you need some help from them.
"Man, fuck da police nigga, they stole my weed that I stole from that white bitch. OH FUCK! Someone stole my dubs! I betta call the Police!"
by Yodacat October 17, 2004
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police.......in 'hood' lingo the word police means to run or "lets get the fuck outta here nigga"

pronounced by African Americans as 'poe-lease' or 'poe-poe'
police!" "holy shit they comin fo me nigga
by osama bin jerry October 17, 2010
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The police, like all bureaucratic departments in America, is a large bloated organization that local governments spend millions on so that the tax dollars collected can be used to collect even more taxes in the form of citations.

The police has many different branches, from the Sheriff's department, to the local metrocops, to the ultra-corrupt state trooper. The bulk of law enforcement has little to do with 'protecting and serving', but rather the taxation of people. The more the police can pin on you, the more you have to pay for a citation, possibly even bail.

Police officers themselves can be fair, but considering most of them are taught to put themselves at a higher standard than the average person, don't count on it. Most of them are young egoists. Forget all these scrubs here saying how police never get respected and always 'spit on'. If you spit on a cop here in the city, you'd most likely end up being carried out of a church with six of your friends and family carrying your casket.

State troopers are notoriously famous for full searches of you or your vehicle, even if the offense was civil. Metrocops may do the same, but normally only if you are black. Metrocops usually ARE racist, and state troopers flat out hate everyone who isn't a cop. However, this isn't the true problem. The real problem is that they have the authority to shoot and kill you, whether you were reaching for a gun or your registration. Don't bother asking if you can either, because usually they are too busy telling you to STFU.
Don't worry, even though you've just been killed/badly injured for reaching for the keys to turn your car off after being pulled, your car impounded, and you've lost your job, all because you didn't put your turn signal on early enough; the police department is always there to 'protect and serve' you. Usually in the form of a full cavity search.
by Raener February 25, 2006
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Revenue collectors
Damn it, I'm getting pulled over again, guess the county needs more money, stupid police.
by the gforce December 13, 2010
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People who are members of law enforcement. Most commonly known as the "protectors of society", they drive around giving people tickets for going 5 miles above the speed limit. They work for the government and no one else. They don't care about regular people.

They are also infamous for not giving two fucks about civil rights and tricking individuals into thinking they have no rights in a police confrontation (ex. telling a minor they have no rights because they're young, while they actually do.)

The "pig" stereotype came from their pushy, pissed off, bossy attitude. Also came from infamous cases of police misconduct. They are also called "pigs" for being arrogant and thinking of themselves as a gift to society, while a lot of people think the exact opposite.
The only difference between the Police and gangs are the badge.

Police: "We're here to help."

Rioters: "BULLSHIT!"
by Treasonous October 24, 2011
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