A prick that's always gotta be in your face or listening to your conversations all the time. A.K.A Shanimus Maximus
Me: Hey, why don't we organize the website this way instead?

*Nosey Motherfucka bursts in the office


Me: Get the hell outta here you nosey motherfucka!
by thegreatone1287 November 15, 2006
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Also known as a shoulder surfer : a person that loiters just off your shoulder whilst you are typing/surfing.

Usually the first indication of a nosey seagull is a useless throwaway comment about what you are looking at...
they can also be identified by the tilting of their head that catches your eye...then when you turn round, their stupid big fucking beak is almost touching your face.

They also have a nasty habit of picking up and reading printouts from a printer, that clearly do not belong to them.

They also tend to have stupid names like Roger.
Roger the nosey seagull: "I see you're looking at the old interweb there?"
Jeff: "Fuck off you big Nosey Seagull cunt" (the prefix and suffix used here are not always required but make it sound awesome.)

Alternative versions can be used when talking to a nosey seagull that happens to be your boss:

Roger the nosey boss seagull: "I see you're looking at the old interweb there?"
Jeff: "Bad Nosey Seagull!" (you can then either repeat this or add "cunt" depending on how much you like your job)
by woim August 3, 2011
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A Nosey Bastard is far nosey-er than just your regular Bastard. A Nosey Bastard can typically be found asking what kind of psycotherapologist you will be seeing this weekend, attempting to figure out your relationship status, and trying to comprehend non-binary people. They just need to know everything about everything, and no longer get invited to Thanksgiving dinner.

*They are typically old and may remind you of a certain Boomer.
**Not to be confused with Nastard (Nasty Bastard).
Nosey Bastard> ArE yOu A gIrL oR a GuY???? I cAn'T tElL BeCaUsE oF yOuR sIsSy HaIrCuT!!!!!
Non-binary person> I'm a human. What does it matter anyway?
Nosey Bastard> nO, bUt WhAt Do YoU hAvE iN yOuR pAnTs?????
Non-binary person> Oi, don't be such a bloody Nosey Bastard.
by mhm_yeah_nah February 26, 2020
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nos·ey boom·er

1. Informal. The large sh*t nuggets that erupt from the nostrils of an enraged deity.
"Butt fungled and violated by the rollin' Jugg, Chuck Norris goes berserk, the shit nuggets that spewed from his nostrils that day marked the first recorded 'Nosey Boomer'."

"Oh shit Norris' shit nuggets are raining like hell!"
by ThaShame July 8, 2006
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A person who looks at every single fucking thing you do
boy 1: (texts his friends about whatever)
boy 2: (looks at your phone simultaneously out of nowhere)
boy 1: get tf out of here you nosey nelly
by Nosey Nelly December 15, 2022
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(noun) someone who wants to know all your private business
Nosey Owey: the host/hostess on one of the TV interview shows that feature "normal" people (not celebrities)
by nosey owey February 21, 2015
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