Adj. Something that is expected to have a long lifespan by virtue of having existed for a long time, based on the lindy effect, named for the New York restaurant Lindy's, coined by Albert Goldman and popularized by Nassim Taleb.
cooking with fire is lindy
by mmebs June 14, 2021
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A Lindi (North American) is a female of great substance. She is was raised well by good people in an outskirt of city type atmosphere. She loves and hates people just sa she loves and hates herself. She will battle herself all her life but will sacrifice herself and stand beside you and help you battle yours. She helps several people on a regular basis and sacrifices herself to do so. She was picked on and ignored growing up so she will never truly see that her accomplishments and character beauty shines well above the average lowlifes that picked on her. She more than likely drinks heavily and lives the bar scene but is the one behind the microphone that everyone in the full bar came to see and hear. She will never be famous and will never realize she already is. Usually dispised by a few and loved by most. A Lindi is of trust
Man I hope there's a Lindi in the house!
by The KnightSpeed January 6, 2022
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The most beautiful, wonderful species known to mankind. Paired well with a Nickel. May be found in a closet. If it attacks, feed it cabbage.
Oh no, did you find the Lindis hiding in the closet again?
by hotcheetoz December 14, 2018
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Lindy is the most beautiful girls you'll ever meet. All the guys fall head over heels for her! She is the bestest friend you could ever have. She gets very defensive of her friends and will do anything for them. If you meet a lindy just run up to her and give her a hug so tight that she can never leave because you need a friend like Lindy. Everyone wants to be her friend. She is the kindest most loving person and only deserves the world. I love you half pint!
Adam: wow that girl is so pretty! I should talk to her
Lindy: hi Adam! It's so nice to meet you!!!
by December 4, 2020
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The sexiest, prettiest person you will ever meet. Lindy’s just like their name, are unique and perfect in every way. They can dance and do gymnastics and cheer and are incredibly creative. They can be intense and are occasionally moody but they are the most reliable people you’ll ever meet.
Guy: “hey guess who i’m dating?”
Other Guy: “Who?”
Guy: “Lindy.”
Other Guy: “Lucky!!”
by Ms.Swaggy January 18, 2022
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Lindi is a person that is always happy no matter what . She cares so much about others and is always the life of the party. She never gives up and always finds a way to encourage herself to become better and better. She is also usually the smart one in the group (very good at maths) . But despite everything she is a beautiful person on the outside as well and it is so easy to fall in love with a Lindi .
Be more like a Lindi
by k@;L November 23, 2021
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This is usually a female person and she is always the life of the party. She cares about others and trust others easily . She will always be there for you no matter what and she will be loyal to a fault . She is also the smart one in the group ( grate at maths ) and she is never wrong . This girl is one of the most beautiful girls you will ever meet and if she gives you a chance you should take it , because she is one in a million!!
Be a Lindi
by K@! November 23, 2021
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