This is how Chicago mobsters describe business activities that are not illegal. Gangsters often invest ill-gotten monies into legitimate businesses, which, in turn, generate what they consider to be legitimate profit. Such business are referred to being "on the legit" (despite being an essential part of a larger money-laundering enterprise).
Guy #1: We'll fill the joint with high-line Spanish broads, and keep it on the legit.

Guy #2: Ok, buddy.
by Davey Gagunga April 8, 2011
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the measure or relative amount of something's legitness.
My legitity is only matched by my cynicism.
by elosbast October 14, 2006
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A word hipsters are trying to use to replace "cool" and "awesome." As if hipsters needed help, they sound less intelligent every time they use the word incorrectly in this way.
by Stevenen March 29, 2011
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The degree of how legitimate something is.
That boy lies. He has no legitness.

Word. Your legitness is ballin'.
by D-Smoz June 2, 2007
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A word that has become way overused by this generation.
Boy 1: Dude, are you going to Randy's party?

Boy 2: Yeah, it's going to be legit.

Boy 1: Please shut up.
by anonymous7789 October 18, 2011
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I got a 3.7 last quarter! that's legit!

that Jimmy shirt is totally legit!
by ~a May 23, 2000
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Something douchebags say when they mean "seriously".
Poser 1: Yo bro, is the test in biology today legit?
Poser 2: Nah, brah, it ain't legit, total bullshit brah.

Poser 1: Oh that party Friday was legit bro!
Poser 2: I know right? Total legit awesomness!
by George Washingmachine November 5, 2011
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