he’s got blonde curly hair and shaved at the sides, average height and has some sexy body, he is amazing and is such a good kisser and he just goes with it like it’s a flow, he’s always up for a laugh but it’s great at listening and he’s so caring and loving. Sometimes he can act like emotions doesn’t get to him but there’s another side to him that only a few ppl can see, he’s amazing and no one would ever change him for the world, especially me
by abbie___hellooo November 13, 2018
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A handsome male whom participates in FUCKBOY acts.
"Woah, dude you're acting so Kasper TAIT. Chill with the FUCKBOY acts."
by 🌚ops March 18, 2016
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When a guy receives a rim job while standing like captain Morgan
I came home from work and saw my husband standing with one leg up on the coffee table. It was time for a Dirty Kasper
by Mom_pounder69 June 20, 2020
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Oh. My. God. I've never seen something more huge, holy fucking priestly shit. Kasper's dick is the most massive thing in the entire fucking UNIVERSE. It beats Kenny's dick, Marcus' dick, and even Bri's dick.
Ever seen kaspers dick?

by sexyguy12443332 January 2, 2021
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The intention of doing something-or not doing something- for 24 hours, but only lasting 6 hours.
"I planned to go 24 hours without my phone but I just had to pull a Kasper and only go 6."
by Yiikkeessss August 23, 2016
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Legendary german boy who arrived in nuremburg unable to speak or explain who he was. Two excellent films have been made of his life, and death. One of the great mysteries of the 18th century.
I want to be a rider like my father
by Miles Pieri January 8, 2004
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