Kalei is the nicest, and prettiest girl you'll ever meet. She will stick by your side, no matter what. If she hates you, your a real asshole..
by Lissy December 11, 2016
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A girl who is basically jesus. She is the coolest kid in town and everyone wants to be her, even your mom. She is friends with everyone and has the coolest afro ever. You could honestly bounce a ball on that thing and it would shoot into space.
man: Oh... what is that?!
girl: It's just a kaley.
man: Oh good, I thought it was superman.
girl: No, like I said it's just kaley.
man: Okay I heard you the first time...

Woman: Look at that Kaley.
Guy: It's huge!
by laurenloveskaley June 6, 2009
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A Gaelic name (Gaelic is the native language of ancient Scottland) meaning party girl or warrior princess.
Person 1: Hi, my name's Raven, what's yours?
Person 2: Kaley.
Raven: Isn't it spelled Kaeley or Kayley or whatever?
Kaley: It can be but this was the original way to spell it. England and the Irish stole it and keep spelling it incorrectly -_-'
by whythehelldoyouneedtoknowmynam December 22, 2008
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Sweet, funny, and an itelingent girl. All the boys are attracted to her and every girls wants to be her friend. She is very good at comforting others through her halarious humor. She also has amazing talent, from succeeding in all sports, acting, and overal showing acts of kindness.
Wow, your being such a Kalei today. (Meaning you are showing great care and kindness)
Work it Burkitt. (Meaning you are doing very well in some type of sport.)
by Sam the Samster June 3, 2016
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The most beautiful girl ever, she's smart, funny and likes pokemon games (p.s she's really great at them!)
Anon: Did you see kaley yesterday?
Anon2: Yeah actually she's so cool, she helped me catch a Dragonite yesterday! 😊
Anon: Wow I wish I was talented and pretty as her 😳
by 🍓spy June 2, 2021
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- coolest person you’ll meet
- loves to be center of attention
- very tall, thin, and hot
“Wow, you’re such a kaley!”
- “What? No way. That’s like the best compliment ever.”
by agirlwithculetoes July 11, 2018
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