midship engine rear drive
mr is stands for midship engine rear drive not for mister.
by jUsTiN July 23, 2003
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Usually the name given to a girlfriend or partner.
Good for just about nothing except sex, whinging and taking your money. If the world doesnt revolve around them, then there will be hell to pay.
Single Guy: Hey man youve been working at that high paying job for like 10 years now, have you got a house, car, or a decent bank account?

Guy with Mrs: Lol are you serious? The Mrs makes me buy her shit and I have to spend money on that thing that calls herself human. Otherwise, no sex. :(

Single Guy: Whoa man, I feel sorry for you. Cya :)
by Harry-Barry August 22, 2007
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Abbreviation for Mind Reading Scum.

Used to call someone who has just had the same thought as you and expressed it verbally (or otherwise), either simultaneously or prior to you expressing it.

A term created long before Hivemind, meaning the same thing.
(true story)

Phil: Think of an epic MRS moment that happened between us to use for the example.

(at the same time)
Dale: So many.
Phil: So many... lol.

Dale: MRS!
Phil: MRS!
Dale: Like that one.
Phil: Use?
Dale: MRS! I was going to suggest that!

(An example of a double MRS)
by PHIL MATE! August 10, 2008
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Pronounced Mee-stur. Refers to a person that is mildly retarded. A person that has limited skills, most often skills related to basic living.

ex: "After further testing, we determined that GW Bush is a MR."
by bobby f. dreckle March 28, 2007
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Another name for a tuxedo kitty. The perfect mr will have a white chest and white chin. The face must be almost completely black or else it is a cow kitty which is not as good.
That Mr is silly!
by Josh and Dana January 14, 2020
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stands for Major Rudie; can be used as a description or name
Yo MR, stop being such a bitch and finish this bag with me

She totally knew you fucked her boyfriend; she was being a complete MR during that whole conversation. She needs to just deal.
by Mr. Shista August 31, 2006
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Someone who always wants to be popular and with the "in" crowd. Hollywood for short
That celebrity is such a Mr/Mrs. Hollywood
by red892 May 24, 2010
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