The opposite of a midget. A very tall and thin person with long arms and legs.
Peter Crouch is such an idget.

It would be hilarious if an idget married a midget.
by Dr.Awesome November 12, 2007
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A person smarter than a moron, but unable to prove it.
Someone robs a liquor store. The clerk tells them they are not old enough to steal/buy the alcohol and then asks for an I.D. Being an idget, the thief obliges.
by BossTweed599 November 4, 2010
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name for a stupid person, slang for idiot
I can't believe Warner thinks he made up the word "sicknasty"...he is such an idget!
by AKGIRL23 January 31, 2011
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The pronunciation to idiot, only, idiots pronounce it this way. The word Idget links to idiot, since they look similar but sound completely different. So you wouldn’t pronounce it this way, and idiot would.
Person 1: Did you do the IQ test?
Person 2: yeah, apparently I’m a real idget, but I don’t think so! (Bumps into wall)
by creamio spinach November 12, 2019
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A nickname or bad term towards someone shorter than you.
I love you idget!!!! (I.e. my daughter she is shorter than me one of her nicknames)
by Alicia Larson April 8, 2023
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The nice was to call someone a dumb shit or an idiot without destroying their self confidence
Did you just jump into the lake with your clothes on, god your suck an idget
by Sloane S July 27, 2021
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