the "cherry" in a girl or the piece of skin that breaks the first time she has sex
Comment submitted with request to Delete: "Moron couldnt be more wrong.

The word he meant is hymen"
by Fake IDer May 22, 2003
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A nickname for the legendary Gyles!!! (would add surname but i hear thats not allowed)Its abbreviation, Hyph is a synonym of hightop, the short back and sides hair cut from the 80's memorably sported by the likes of Will Smith, Ice Cube and Cuba Gooding Jr.
Look at pretty much any young black male from the 80's to early 90's. And of course when people call me, they say 'Yo Hyphen, how you doin'?'
by Gyles January 24, 2007
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For the past several decades women have continually pressed men into going along with their new ways of thinking, most of it being pure bullshit. Numerous sex partners prior to landing some chump into marriage (typically the number they claim they’ve had can in reality be multiplied by at least five), promiscuity after marriage, demanding men respect their individuality, nagging men to be more sensitive to their needs, demanding equal pay (which is fine if they’re actually doing the same job), getting tattoo’s like a tramp stamp or whatever. They have also adapted the notion that having a bitchy, outspoken attitude is to be tolerated by a prospective male. Most expect a prospective mate to have a good income and be willing to accept them with whatever their pay grade may be, as well as pamper them financially. Generally an available woman over 30 is available because guy(s) out there are just plain fed up with her bullshit. Women now believe they’re able to retain their identity (of a single woman) or individuality by demanding they keep their maiden name and hyphenate it to their married name. Some even refuse to accept his last name at all.
Hyphenated-Names: Any man that willingly buys into this situation on a more permanent basis like marriage is a damn fool and deserves what he gets and will most likely pay both financially and emotionally eventually. Wise up guys! You don’t need a wife, especially one that will bust your balls with her feminist philosophies. It’s a no win situation you’ll most likely regret later. Spend your money on something you’ll really appreciate like a great car. At least with the car, you’ll know how many times it’s been around the block.

Statistically it has become a fact that Caucasian men are now opting not to get married due to what women have become and can foresee all the problems their predecessors have encountered. What kind of mother are these squawky bitches going to make to your children?! Personally, I have one response to a woman that says she would require a hyphenated last name: FUCK – YOU!
by Big Ed Moustapha- December 25, 2012
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A woman who is either too self absorbed or feels her family name is superior to that of her spouse's, so she hyphenates her last name.
Jim is a sackless piece of crap. Can you believe she's keeping her name when they get married? Fucking hyphen-wife.
by Larry Tiita July 15, 2010
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A kid with a hyphenated last name, which for some inexplicable reason makes them annoying.
So many hyphen kids on my roster...gonna be a long year.
by Jkelemenop June 7, 2016
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something i do too much of whilst msn-ing and emailing. it's a bad habit in some respects - kicks bloody arse in others.
Yay-ness (unnecessary hyphen)
msn-ing (as i did earlier totally by accident)
ill-ified (yet again)

basically the art of unnecessary hyphenating is to break down perfectly fine words or to totally invent your own. You can do this by taking the 'ing' off a word and adding a hyphen in the middle OR adding suffixs to the end of normal words. like yay for example. this can then become yay-ness (for more yay!) you can mix and match many words and suffixs - my three favorites are:


Have fun =)
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1.Possibly the dumbest word in the english language, since the spelling of the word contradicts the second definition.

2. A word without a hyphen (see above definition)
Non-hyphenated is probably the dumbest thing since George W. Bush.
by Thelostcup August 31, 2006
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