To strike an unnatractive facial expression during the taking of a photo.
I can't believe he ruined my wedding photos by pulling a hutch in all of them.
by HK number two July 4, 2013
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The act of liking straight boys
Are you sure that guy is gay… don’t be a hutch
by Mömmymïlkers69 February 2, 2022
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A overpriced bicycle company that started out in the early 1980's making 20 & 24 inch bicycles, race and freestyle products. Based out of Baltamore, MD. The company went belly up in the late 80's and was never heard again.
Hey I bought a Hutch Trickstar on ebay for 100 bones!!!
by Toby Fresh. Diegotown Ca. August 5, 2004
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A whipped type of person

A person who chooses a girl over his pals
My boy is turning into a right hutch he's with his girl 24/7
by Dhdhdhebbehehe April 4, 2016
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Slang term for "home" or "my house". Origins come from German roots since the 1980's, Then became very popular within italian culture. Alternative ways to say it might be, "Hit the hutch" which means "go home".
"Look at the time, I've got to hit the Hutch!"
"Everyone's hitting the hutch, because the party's over."
by Smiata May 12, 2012
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the crevice on either side of the ball sack where the sack connects to the leg.
"stop itching your dick in public! it's repulsive."
"i'm not itching my dick, i'm itching my hutch..."
by timmy pj September 3, 2008
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