A holy roller is someone someone super cool who is really into spirituality and making the world a better place.
The holy rollers got enraptured in a prayer and then went on to save the dolphins.
by RaysofLife747 May 20, 2021
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1. A gathering of fundamentalist, bible-beating, right wing Christian Evangelicals

2. A vast or over-the-top display of flagrant, in-your-face evangelical Christian messages or scripture
As the two athiests approached the large group of Evangelicals who had gathered on the lawn to protest gay marriage, Bill said to Gary "Look out ... holy roller derby ahead."
by seumasbeg January 8, 2013
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When a guy is about to come, and the person they are with takes a pinky-size crucifix and shoves it into their hole, before roughly yanking it out, causing semen and blood to come out.
"Dude, she caught him cheating, and she Holy Rollered his ass"

"Man, I'm out of action. This girl gave me a Holy Roller, it hurt like hell!"
by Whateva grrrl July 14, 2008
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When you tear out a page of the Bible and roll it up to use as a joint.
"Yeah, Jack and I had a holy roller after Claire's wedding."
by My-Lady-Greensleeves July 4, 2022
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