A person who dresses as an old woman
The verb "frumpy" is to dress as an old woman

by fazzwazzer June 27, 2003
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a state of generalized depression
I have been in a frump all day today
by Eva McCombs October 8, 2006
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When you fart in the bath-tub and bite the bubble.
My kid decided to frump in the tub last night.
by romdo308 November 25, 2013
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One who farts in the Bathtub and snaps at the bubbles.
The crazy man was a frump. He acted as though a dog would in the bathtub
by CalvinPalmer November 19, 2005
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Adjective: Severely lacking in function

Verb 1: To defeat, or triumph over, usually in a humiliating way.

Verb 2: To loaf or stroll around.

"I spilled water on my computer, and now it is all frumped up!"

Verb 1:

"I played Mark in Smash Bros. yesterday, and totally frumped all over him. I almost felt bad."
"I frumped up Maria yesterday in tennis, but she's never played before."

Verb 2:

Person 1: "What did you do in downtown Chicago yesterday?"
Person 2: "I went to eat, looked at the Sears tower, and just frumped around the rest of the day."
by Frumpis January 31, 2021
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joe unceremoniously frumped jim after jim hit on joes girl
by ionbomb June 1, 2015
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is another word want it

to be crumpets
Wow she’s a Frump
by MiniMicrowave October 8, 2019
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