A creature who religious people believe is more ridiculous than "God" for no apparent reason.
Guy 1: Do you believe in God?
Guy 2: I believe in the Flying Spaghetti Monster
Guy 1: That is ridiculous,
Guy 2: As is "god"
by Lvl 227 March 21, 2010
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Is the true God of this world
Tramples all other religions.
The planets are actually meatballs.
God of the pastafarian religion.
Name of the sauce, the meat and the pasta, Spaghmon,
Please bless me with spaghetti for dinner tonight,
Thank you Flying Spaghetti Monster,
by Pastafarian is only religion August 19, 2017
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This involes a man in a mario costume tea bagging a blonde while pouring tomato sauce over himself and her hair, she then promply procedes to lick every last drop of his genitals.


you're on an airplane.
Marc gave Tiffany a flying spaghetti monster while over Rome.
by westsiiiiiiiiiiiiide September 14, 2010
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A pathetic attempt by Richard Dawkins to discredit the GOD of creation by making the most absurd nomenclature to which he could ascribe at the time when questioned about an alternative to the real GOD.
I don't believe in God anymore than i believe in the flying spaghetti monster.
by ohterry April 10, 2014
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n. A joke that is officially older than god. This is because the joke has gotten to such an extent that it is now used as a blatant insult to christians regardless of whether or not they are bible bashing, shit-eating douchefucks.
"All hail the Flying Spaghetti Monster! RAme--"

*FSMist (aka atheist extremist) gets the shit beat out of him/her by the WBC, both of which have similar IQs that are both as low as Forrest Gump's*
by KintarosTiger March 24, 2011
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our all powerful god, the savior to us all
he is our god!!!
joe: hey did you know that the flying spaghetti monster is our god?
jessica: yeah who doesnt
by yourbroham August 15, 2017
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His Noodliness, the Flying Spaghetti Monster is the ultimate truth in the universe. It is the central point of worship in the religion commonly known as Flying Spaghetti Monsterism or Pastafarianism, according to which it is The Creator and Overseer, watching our lives and our world, changing them as it sees fit, by use of his most holy noodly appendage.
Incredibly, this ancient religion was not well-known until its rediscovery in 2005 by graduate student Bobby Henderson. He shall live on forever in the afterlife next to the Beer Volcano. Due to this incredible rebirth, Flying Spaghetti Monsterism is now one of the world's most edible and fastest-growing religions
I am a part of The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster
by funnyfunnygal August 31, 2009
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