Eryn is a beautiful girl who is very bubbley. She is a one of a kind and sticks by her friends at all times. She often likes the clout purple or blue and loves food. An eryn is very popular and although she doesn't realize it she is very pretty.
by P._._p March 20, 2017
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Eryn is such an amazing girl. She will do anything for anyone and she will always be there for people no matter the situation. She usually struggles a lot herself but decided to hide it from a lot of people. Eryn has beautiful dyed hair and she has big blue eyes that remind everyone of the ocean. She is pretty small when it comes to height but that’s great because her partner would prefer for them to be the tallest. If you are in a relationship with Eryn then congrats to you because she is incredible and so precious. Make sure to treat her right and do not betray her trust. Do not annoy or make Eryn angry because you will get your balls or tits cut off.
“Is that Eryn? Her eyes are so beautiful like the ocean!”
by Shanny_281 April 28, 2020
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The most beautiful girl in the world she is caring and loving to all who are the same to her.
by Tom,ee November 6, 2019
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Eryn is a person that is there for you. Eryn will be the best friend you need. She is one of a kind and if you find Eryn never, ever let her go. Eryn is not afraid to be the mom of the group and if you need someone to be there for you they will do it in a heart beat.
Eryn, I love you.
Eryn your the best friend I have ever had.
by Book lover girl May 17, 2022
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Eryn is one of the funniest people you'll ever meet. She also one of those girls that you'll never forget once you meet her. She can be a little weird at times but that's all apart of her outgoing and witty personality. She's very trust worthy and forgives people very easily. Even though she doesn't thing it she is a very beautiful person on the inside and on the outside. She may not be the most stable person mentally but that's what makes being around her much more interesting, and she's not afraid of a deep conversation or argument and will argue her side until her face turns blue. If you ever run into an Eryn make sure to hey and trust me you'll have a future best friend right in front of you.
The one Joke the Eryn said had me dying , the girl is too funny.
by that_one _girl11 March 1, 2022
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A name for girls; has the meaning "Ireland". Eryn is an alternate form of Erin (Irish, Gaelic): from Éirinn and Éire. Eryn this another form of writing Aaron. Girls with the name Eryn usually are quite and shy, only raising their hand when they know the answer 100%. Boys' usually see Eryn's as small and in need of a strong boy at her side. While they think this an Eryn has an 118 IQ level and has already been accepted into Rice University, Harvard, and Yale.
Aw look at sweet little Eryn, she looks so helpless and adorable.
by Feather of Truth January 28, 2017
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