A heterosexual Human male displaying interest in members of the opposite sex, usually between the ages of 16 and 34 - in other words, Normal.
OMG, what a creeper - he totally appreciated my skimpy attire in a way that was completely intended by how I dressed myself this morning.
by The Irreverend June 19, 2013
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A type of platform shoe that men and women of the alternative scenes wear. They come in a myriad of designs and colors.
I want the red creepers with the skull design on top.
by Crazy Haley Demons November 13, 2003
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Typically a nice guy, but is called a creep because girl's can be ruthless jerks
-"Hi Sandy"
-"Get away from me you creeper"!
by Hermitage_XCountry April 11, 2009
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In urban driving, someone who drives at an unnecessarily slow speed, creating traffic jams for no reason, and creating a hazardous situation as drivers with somewhere to be have to go arond them.
1. I should have got in the other lane. I knew that lady was going to be a creeper!

2. All timid drivers are creepers, but not all creepers are timid drivers.
by Boston Driver April 13, 2013
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A person stopped at a red light that slowly creeps forward little by little until he/she is over the line. The Creeper in an incredibly impatient person that believes they have super powers and can make the light change colors by will alone. The strange part of the creeper is that when the light does turn green they are slow to accelerate. Some believe that using their powers have drained them slowing their response time, further study is needed.
"Look at The Creeper drifting into the intersection"
by Fat Diction August 10, 2010
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An enemy from minecraft. they are green,have 4 legs and when they get close to you they will make a "ssssssss" noise and then explode.
ssssssssssss" "BOOOM" (a typical encounter with a creeper)
by pseudo-b September 24, 2010
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an offensively unimaginative word devised by tacky, braindead college students to describe people they deem sinister, indecorous, uncouth, or otherwise unpleasant.
"omg, i was gettin wasteyface at bennigan's, and some creeper was totally creepin on my bestiessss!!!1!!
by Sherman McCoy March 30, 2008
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