This is an organization of skilled females and/or males that learn countless marching drills, twirl flags, rifles, sabers or other items in time with music from the band or to drum solo's. They spend countless days during the summer in the heat on asphalt learning drills, marching for hours on to produce a show that usually last about 10 minutes. They can throw their item of choice up to 10 feet in the air and as the item is in the air it spins in rotation to land back in the hands of the person who threw it or to another person it was thrown to. Some guard people can even spin around while said item is in the air before they catch this item. WGI- most of the people in band and guard are honor students and/or straight A students.
wgi twirl honor students flad riflecolor guard
by Firefighter Mom December 5, 2010
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Totally the shit. A sport. Is harder than cheerleading
Color Guard sure looks awesome.
by guardo May 3, 2005
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1. A group of usually 4 people who, at it's most basic level, guard the "colors" (American flag, other flags). They are usually featured at a military ceremony and are dressed in military uniform.
2. A section of a marching band/drum corps that adds "razzle dazzle" and showmanship to the band. They use flags, sabres, and dummy rifles, which they toss, twirl, and spin, often dropping said equipment. They usually wear a different outfit than the band. They are one of the most hardworking sections of the band.
2. The marching band appreciates the color guard for all the hard work they do.
by dvdwinter9 January 13, 2007
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A person who is multi talented and do a routine with at least one of these flag, rifle, baton, and can in some cases dance, must know how to march.
Look at the color guard in the band their flags are so pretty.
by Elizabeth September 15, 2003
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Girls (mostly) who spin a flag, rifle, and/or sabre( or sword). They are a mix between cheerleaders, dancers, and football players. They work their asses off to look good out on the field. Color guards are always together in shows, and strive to look the same. They are the best part of marching band.
Bob: Hey, whose that hot chick wearing a unitard and spinning a flag?

Steve: Oh, that's Sally, she's on color guard!
Bob: Sweet.
by hannahgeeeeee August 6, 2009
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we're the "icing on the cake" we make the band look pretty and put some color in to the band on the field with many visuals using flags,rifles,sabres,or anything else you can find
go to a marcing band competition and see the guard strut their stuff and twirl those falgs!!
by Meg December 6, 2003
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you guys didnt even begin to touch the surface of what color guard is.
performance quality isnt just smiling. you gotta be angry or sad or alter-ego or whatever fits the music.
tosses are the hardest.
you have to do ballet.
you have to point your feet
you have to remember drill.
you have to spin. sabers. flags. rifles.
you have to survive band camp.
you have to not only be cold, but burning hot.
you have to make the losing team your colorguarding for look good.
you have to put up with the band until winter guard.
and thats all the negatives.
you can see your beautiful flags in action while watching playbacks.
you can get friends with other colorguard folk.
you have something to do.
its rewarding.
its pretty.
its a sport.
and thats all i can think of.

i spin for west orange n and we are beasts. better then you losers.

color guard is the act of spinning flags sabres and rifles while dancing (ballet) and remembering drill during fall season. its a hard yet rewarding thing and its absolutley amazing,
by the best chick on w.o flag line. September 21, 2007
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