1. (Incorrect) A Jamaican "swear word" used to cover up profanity.

2. (Verb) The noise a bird flying overseas makes. Typically precedes a nice little stinky turd landing on your head if you don't watch out for the passing seagull

3. (Slang) A random noise a person makes to attract pointless attention; to break the ice.
1. StudentInClass1: *CAW* this piece of *CAWWWWWWWW*!

Teacher: Shut up, Steve! Go to detention!

2. Seagull: Caw, caw! -Releases a turd onto a fisher man-
Fisherman: Fuck! Stupid bird shit landed on my head, Mark!
Mark: \o/ (LOL)

3. RandomNoobOnMySpace: CAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW! G3t this m3ss@ge t@ 5 of ur homeboyz n gurlzzzzzzzz ta get 5 mil!!!!!1eleven1!!
LiteratePersonOnMySpace: Get the *FUCK* off the Internet!
by BeerChuggin'German October 11, 2009
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A internet fad. People use wreslting games such as: WWE Day of Reckoning, Smackdown VS Raw, or Wrestle Mania 21 to put on a fantasy wrestling show. These shows usually use CAW (created a wrestler) rather than the superstars in the game. The most well known CAW show was NODQ CAW, and Slam N' Jam.
CAW shows are teh hottness.
by RyanCUOwner October 2, 2005
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A very common abbreviation for Create-A-Wrestler.
Smackdown CAWs - CAWs for the Smackdown game.
My CAW Preview
by TheWarzone1 March 21, 2008
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To call a large bet in a live poker game, often with marginal holdings. Derived from both how the word "call" sounds when pronounced with a heavy Asian accent, as well as stereotype that such Asian poker players have a propensity for such "hero calls."
Kenny Tran: "You got dem pocket sevens? I CAW YOU!"
by BBV4LYFE November 22, 2007
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the word caw is a kevinized slang term used in place of words such as good or cool
person 1: yo wus caw
person 2: wus caw ma nigga
by Yari1412 November 30, 2011
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