a. When you make a promise to your friends or colleagues and then don't follow through on that.

b. A dutch boy who is always struggling with his schedule! and does not know when to say no or yes to plans.
Stop pulling a bassi on me Dave, you said you were gonna be here at 10.00
Ahaaa shit, John pulled a bassi on us! we were supposed to work on an assignment together
by DevTom April 18, 2023
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Bassy(aka Sebastian) is a very hot man he is kind and full hearted. But if you dare say “oh bassy~” it will remind him of a girl who have a overly possessive crush over him.
Oh bassy~ look at me. Don’t I look hot~
by Junko lover 101 October 9, 2021
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Transvestite and ultra gay super saiyen who cannot decide to stick it in a girl or get a guy to sick it in them, Approach with extreme caution, they fucking stink
by poopyholegloryman April 8, 2009
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So awesome that it hurts to look at her.
I need to wear sunglasses to look at that Bassie.
by Arthurfonzerellie November 23, 2021
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A certified legend who is the biggest D boy in Surrey B.C. who is often spotted wearing drip such as Real Cartier's that he obtained from doing certain activities for Older Buddies.
Yo Bassi just sold a bag of crack for some older buddies, and got some new carties.
by Older Buddy/Full-Time D Boy November 3, 2021
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