A little white prescription pill that can blow your mind if you don't fall asleep before they kick in. Because they are hypnotic it will be quite the show indeed, when you are awake and on ambien
It's like riding a roller coaster through a tunnel filled with sleeping gas! After taking just over20 mg Ambien.
by Klox July 27, 2010
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A sleep aid that will fuck you up. Basically if you take it and don't go to bed your accross from a clingy drunk and retard. Also judgement is severely impaired, take one but hide the bottle because taking two extra always seams like a great idea under the influence. Makes you regret things the next day like wandering the house aimlously looking to annoy your parents with your new found legal intoxication.
Influenced author: Ambien is bad ass and I suggest you try it along wit xanax (not at the same time).
by CTU_FieldAgent200 June 9, 2010
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A prescription medication writers take so they'll have something to write about in the morning.
"Like all great writers with insomnia, I took my Ambien last night, with a slug of booze, 'cause I'm a writer, and drinking is required for writers, and suddenly my mind was tripping out and you won't believe the wild tale that unfolded..."
by waterbucks August 13, 2008
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sleeping pill. if too many are taken you hallucinate and see things such as 'little concrete men' and the room moves in weird dirrections'. you may also not be able to walk without falling and looking funny and you may slur your words. its hard to remember anything..usually only a couple of small unimportant memories can be remembered.
'hey man...lets be queerbaits and go get trashed on some fucking AMBIEN! WHOOO'
by brittany March 29, 2005
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It's just a lot. I mean good for sleep but also makes you reaaaalllyyy weird. Now I must be a leavin
by TheRealCorn November 22, 2018
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Taking the ambien challenge means taking the sleeping pill ambien and attempting to fight the pill's effects and stay awake as long as possible. Often results in hallucinations and cryptic writing.
whoa i was doing ok until you signed off about two hours into the ambien challenge and a fucking little kid ran out from behind my computer and i yelpedd practically before realizing he wasn;t real. then i turned to my right and saw the door was wobbling and shit. and i kept staring to see if was really wobbling or if it was just my imagination and it didn't stopp. Then i got up. WHOA.
by m1chae1 May 19, 2006
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Every man's natural sleep aid. Masterbation. Likely originally used by the character Andy on Weeds.
It was taking me forever to fall asleep last night but after a little of nature's ambien I was out in five minutes.
by nikko23_99 August 15, 2011
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