Algebraic - Derived from the land of Ooo, this roughly translates to when something is so awesome it has absolutely nothing to do with math.
Jake the dog-“I'm connecting to the Internet with my mind.” Finn the human-“Algebraic!”
by The (n)Ice King June 26, 2011
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The most annoying, boring, useless, yet highly regarded subject in all levels of school.
Why am I taking math if I want to be a writer?
by French mickey Mouse January 12, 2005
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A relatively boring subject mostly taken in high school that has limited usefullness for students that dont plan on going into the Engineering or Scientific fields. Yet the state of Texas requires 2 credits of this to graduate. I plan on going into programming so yes its useful for me, but i know many people who are going into work fields that have little to no need for the subject.
Algebra is boring as hell
by OverNineThousandths June 26, 2011
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a way to make highschool students extremely angry.. also it makes no sence what so ever.
Algebra Question:

Suzie and sally were having a bad day. The number of suzies bad day are three times more than her boyfriend, Rick. If Suzie has a bad day on monday, when will Rick's crasy ex girlfriend, Julia, find out Suzie is PMSing?
by funnyperson April 12, 2007
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Algebra is the most usless class ever created
if you get lost while driving and you stop at a gas station for directions i promise you that youll never hear this

drive down the road until you see another road perpinducular take a left and there will be another road parrelell eventually it will come in at a 45 degree angle... solve for X
by Jake G. June 9, 2005
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Something you need to know to make planes that fly. If you do not know this, you cannot make planes that fly.
Shit dawg, I missed out on algebra - This plane dere, she won't fly.
by bobbt.cum March 4, 2003
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