this word is used instead of the word pimp and is also used in football as praise.
man! you are such a yaz!
by eric doberman August 14, 2005
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shortened name of the Carl Yastrzemski, the last person to win the Triple Crown in the MLB.
Yaz kicked ass in the '60's and '70's
by SoxFan August 22, 2004
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Yaz is just a YAZ, the best YAZ ever.
by Michael Mira June 24, 2004
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A back-stabber that comes to you broken, but manipulates you into his doing. Legend says that if you're yaz, you'll lose your dick when you jack off too hard.

Lies a lot to get his way. Generally, not a good person to hang around.
Person 1: "Man, I'm so sad. Please stay with me. Did you know that Amy is such a mean person?"
Person 2: "Bitch, don't be a yaz. You'll lose your dick."
by ekronaaa May 5, 2019
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To vomit, especially after hearing gross news or seeing something disgusting.
OMG did you see her top? Makes me wanna yaz.

I walked into the bathroom and immediately out, the smell was so bad I almost yazed all over my new dress.
by Emixa September 25, 2017
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a beautiful, independent, smart trans girl who makes everyone around her happy only by existing. everyone would kill to be around her. she's the perfect person.
I wish I was a like yaz, everyone wants to be friends with her!!
by err0risstup1d July 19, 2021
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