A Southern and Midwestern slang word used to express excitement or distainment without using profanity.
That was fricking great (excitement)
That was fricking sick (distainment)
by me June 21, 2004
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A word commonly used by kids who's parents don't let them swear yet or those who feel guilty swearing.
Kid 1: Holy shit that was fucking awesome

Kid 2: Yeah I know that was so fricking cool!
by Zephyr April 13, 2016
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When one is too much of a goody good to say the real word and must use an acceptable substitute
Guy #1: " Hey Jimmy did you get the chicken from the store? "

Guy #2: " FRICK man I'm sorry I totally forgot! "
by GingerRepresent March 10, 2015
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Another word for "fuck" and such. Also used by Elliot in the tv show Scrubs.
Frick! I just tripped in front of that hot guy.
by PepsiFreak April 8, 2007
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A word pewdiepie uses on a daily Because he’d frick a creeper
Pewds: Would you frick a creeper? I’d frick a creeper

Nine year olds : he said frick
by Sxrxin October 18, 2019
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From Andrew Carnegie's partner Henry Clay Frick, whose name became a "dirty word" in southwest Pennsylvania in 1892 after Pinkerton goons, whom Frick had hired, assaulted and murdered striking steel workers in the town of Homestead.
Where the frick are my car keys?
by Gahmuret June 25, 2006
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