".. well then.."

A phrase used to change topics suddenly from a strange, weird, "interesting" or un-interesting topic, not necessarily to bring a new topic, but just to change the old one.

Similar to "interesting.. "
Mike: "who died?"

Jim: "My dog, man! My dog died last night.. and as I went to bury him, I saw Dave sleeping in the backyard!"

~car explodes~

Mike: "..well then.."
by Anonymous September 27, 2003
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A phrase used when you don't know what to say because of a bad/melancholy mood.

Can be substituted for "alrighty then.."
Person 1: I don't like your personality.
Person 2: Well then...
by DaisyFromCaliforniaa April 4, 2010
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A deep subject. Intensified with repetition.
"Well ..."
"That's a deep subject."

"Well, well ..."
"That's a very deep subject."
by Check Demon October 11, 2007
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often used as a substitute for very or so
That test was well hard
by meeru May 29, 2006
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In many towns in Ireland, 'well' is a salutation or greeting. Having used the expression all my life, I've never been able to figure out whether it's a kindly-meant enquiry as to whether or not all is well with the person so addressed, or simply an expectant demand for news updates - in my hometown, it always felt like the beginning of an interrogation!
Well, girl, haven't seen you in ages.
by Tel August 24, 2005
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1. <interjection> An expression of surprise or disbelief
2. <adverb> Skilful/skilfully
3. <adverb> Intimately
4. <adverb> informal; extremely
5. <noun> A bored hole into the ground to tap a supply of water, gas or oil
6. <noun> slang; The toilet
1. Well! I never expected John to be THAT good in bed!
2. Well done, Pete
3. I know your mother VERY well...
4. OMG Dat's well good dat! OMGOMG1
5. James, go and fetch a pail of water from the well, there's a good boy.
6. Hold on a second I've gotta use the well...
by Stuart Fletcher July 26, 2005
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A sarcastic remark given when someone is frustrated or annoyed by a person's comment or statements.
Me: I'm tired of you not texting me back quick enough

Her: Well
by G-Money from 58th January 5, 2018
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