Equivelent to long live France!
Vive la france is what I yell when I aam scoring with a girl.
by truyiriyti December 2, 2004
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Sex while listening to Latin American pop, especially Carlos Vives, similar to Netflix and chill.
by clara prada December 1, 2020
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A powerful phrase from then-French President Charles de Gaulle to the people of Quebec, Canada from the balcony of the Montreal Town Hall in 1967.

Translating to "Long Live Free Quebec", it is considered by many to be Charles de Gaulle's semi-formal endorsement of the concept of Quebec sovereignty.

In the aftermath, Charles de Gaulle was forced to cut his visit short partially due to the outrage of the Canadian government at this statement. Since then, it has been a rallying call for supporters of Quebec sovereignty, as well as the Parti Quebecois, a pro-sovereignty political party based in Quebec.

It is widely believed that because of animosity stemming from this incident, then-Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau refused to attend a memorial service to Charles de Gaulle following his death some years later.
Charles de Gaulle: "Vive Montreal! Vive le Quebec! Vive le Quebec Libre! Vive le Canada Français! Et Vive la France!"

Crowd: *goes apeshit*


Parti Quebecois Member#1: "Je te vois a la prochaine assemblee. Vive le Quebec Libre!"

Parti Quebecois Member #2: "Je te vois la aussi, et Vive le Quebec Libre!"
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Words uttered by ungrateful shit disturber/French president Charles de Gualle in 1967 meaning long live free Quebec. Perhaps he was forgetting that thousands of Canadian men died fighting to liberate his own country, and that almost anywhere else in the world the FLQ would have been imprisoned or shot immediately as traitors to their country.
Charles de Gualle: Vive le Quebec! (long live Quebec), Vive le Quebec libre! (long live free Quebec).

Lester B. Pearson: WTF Charles!
by sddsa May 7, 2009
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1. The owner of survival Minecraft Server Darkhelmet (DHMC)
2. A gigantic fart
All hail King Vive
by Jonathan Momelius June 15, 2020
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Common phrase that Venezuelans says a lot of times
Means Chavez Lives, Hugo Chavez was a president of the Republica Bolivariana of Venezuela, tho he died in 2013, some people says (including me) that he did not died, he just ascended into time and space. He is a god, he is god.
'Chavez vive camarada'
by Stroheim April 10, 2017
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Getting vived is when you drink so much that you're passed blackout; drinking an unholy amount of alcohol.
"Dude someone's gonna have to take her home she got vived."
by adolfrizzler_69 April 7, 2023
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