Verb: to be completely screwed by a videogame. Usually happens when the computer pulls some bullshit on you so they can win, or when your teammate who is a computer A.I. screws you over so that your friend who is on the other team wins. See also steamy lincoln.
Also in games like HALO 2 when you melee an opponent 3 times on the head and they don't die and you lost rockets.
Then the guy on the other team takes the rockets and kills the last three guys on your team for a Killtacular, that should never had happened in the first place, to win the game. F'in Bungie....oh yeah, EA GAMES sucks too.
Steamy Lincoln: Damn man, I was playing rushing attack today and the guy I was playing against ran back and forth behind the line of scrimmage to make my computer guys run into the fake linemen pads so he could get 4 consecutive TD's.
Cleveland Steamer: Yeah man, that sucks you got videogamed hard core.
by MicrothemeKing October 24, 2005
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When a person or persons playing a videogame (usually multiplayer) gets so fed up of losing that they suffer an episode of intense rage that usually lasts up to 5 minutes.

When a person is struck with a rare case of videogame rage, they are known to simutaneously sob, scream unintelligibly at the top of their lungs, and throw random punches at anything solid, such as the floor or the person sitting next to them. Despite the person's efforts, their gameplay is inevitably not improved by this course of action.

The aftermath usually includes either a hearty laugh at how immature they were acting, or an embarassed "Sorry..." In some cases, the rage continues until they get up and leave the videogaming area.
Person 1: OMG why do I keep losing??? WHY?!
Person 2: ...
Person 2: Woah, man. Chill!
Person 1: oh jeez.. *laughs* sorry about that, I had videogame rage...
by 360Vomit June 6, 2007
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The act of getting very little sleep from staying up really late then waking up early the next morning.
Ugh I have such a videogame hangover I was up to 2:30 in the morning and had to wake up at 6 for my first class.
by Smitty1120 November 20, 2008
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A phrase synonymous with masturbation, with the implication being that, whenever one is not playing videogames, one is masturbating.
1. Last night, I was not playing videogames. 2. I didn't play videogames for 5 minutes.
by Tarok, son of Mohg October 11, 2011
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The act of shooting in the direction of teammates to kill enemies.

Typically in cooperative videogames, backscratching occurs when enemies are surrounding a friendly player or NPC, and the player shoots or attacks almost directly at the friendly player or NPC to clear the enemies off their back. This is more common in games with melee enemies and very little or no friendly fire damage, such as the popular and beloved Left 4 Dead series.

The term was originally comes from armored tank warfare, where if enemy infantry are crawling all over a friendly tank trying to plant a sticky bomb or open the hatch or shoot inside or something, a tank will shoot their machine gun directly at the friendly tank, causing ricochet to kill the enemy infantry, leaving the heavily armored friendly tank relatively unscathed.

Have you played Left 4 Dead 2 yet? Go play it and experience the magic of backscratching!

Term Officially Coined by the professional player Kazoooooooooooooooooooooo
Hey Ellis, Scratch My Back, I Got Fucking Zombies All Over Me! (in the game Left 4 Dead 2 by Valve)

That is Backscratching (Videogames), you should use the term!
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parent: what did you do in tommy's house?
kid: we were playing videogames.
parent: oh, sounds like fun!
by 5150 August 1, 2004
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A condition of the human body and mind that can take place after a multi-hour videogame session in which person suffers after-affects from excessive gameplay.

Typical symptoms include but are not limited to:

* inability to stop visualizing the game when you close your eyes

* insomnia due to feeling like you are still playing the game

* blurry vision

* general disorientation

* game music stuck in head
After playing Starcraft 2, until 3am for the first time, the patient experienced acute Videogame Sickness which disrupted his sleep that night as he was unable to shake the intense feeling that he was still playing the game.
by coolchewlew February 23, 2011
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