A perpetual bond between two or among several black people over something trivial or ignorant. This is not be confused with a family or a friendship, because family life and friendships are beneficial to both parties whereas Nigga Synthesis is not.
A good example of Nigga Synthesis is when Bloods bond with each other over their hatred of the Crips or when Crips bond with each other over their hatred of the Bloods.
by Bumboklaat June 25, 2010
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The process of absorbing stagnant carbon dioxide molecules in the air and using saturated plant vacoules to emulate synthesis in complete darkness. In theory, you wouldn't produce as much glucose from this as photosynthesis does. As a comparison, think of aerobic and anaerobic respiration for example. Anaerobic doesn't produce as much ATP as aerobic respiration does, and can lead to lactic acid built up as a result. If evolution has shown us anything its that organisms can adapt to their environments a. k.a. survival of the fittest. I would believe after exposure to complete darkness for millions of years, plants would be able to grasp adaption or, they would all die out. Chemo Synthesis is an example of organic adaption, which was only discovered about 10 or more years ago.
Shadow Synthesis Theory explains how plants have had to use Shadow Synthesis in the past to make glucose when the dinosaurs when extinct, which could explain why plants still exist today.(flawed)
by xXBdogXx54 December 15, 2018
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verb :explained in the boondocks, niggah synthesis is when ignorant niggahs create bonds with each other then to creat gangs
niggah synthesis...

those niggahs over there are niggah synthesizing to form the bloods
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A rare event that occurs when a hoe is in the act of sucking toes and she reaches the perfect "g-spot" of a toe causing the receiver to feel a rush of pleasure or ejaculation.
Did you hear that Darja and Connie achieved hoe-toe-synthesis last night? He says the pleasure was beyond belief!
by The Nigga You Love (Levicidus) February 2, 2018
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The process of a girl turning into a hoe.
"Mary is going through hoe synthesis right now."
by Axel Turkey April 29, 2016
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A form of anarchist philosophy that seeks to reconcile and unite all anti-capitalist anarchists together for a common goal. This includes anarcho-communists, anarcho-collectivists, anarcho-syndicalists, mutualists, left market anarchists, individualist anarchists and sometimes even egoists, geolibertarians and agorists.
Except ancaps, for obvious reasons. Fuck ancaps.
Anarchist meeting:
Egoist: "Yo, who that dude who is trying to mediate the argument between the ancom and the mutualist?"
Ansynd: "Ahh, that's some dude who says he follows something called 'synthesis anarchism'. He basically thinks he can get us all to get along. I admire his goals, but that's so fucking naive. At least he has enough sense to not invite any bloody ancaps here."
by ThatoneguyGM April 4, 2021
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