A short brown kid who pimps the IP like no other but the pretends that he is gay.
Hey Suraj what did you do last night? "Studied particle physics in the bathroom."
What he really did: hooked up with some Indian girl.
by thegreat December 14, 2004
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to take something without intention of returning
dei chunni jb recordings laam suraj pannitiyaa

are you gonna return my pencil or you gonna just suraj it ?
by justicewither March 30, 2020
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A guy who lives for work and who's parents pressure so much! Consider's himself so smart (even though he's not that smart) and is totally confused when he gets something wrong. Very immature and foolish.
1) Look, it's Suraj talking to Marrina. With the look on her face, he's probably talking about his grades.

2) Why is Suraj talking to Bryce and Preston? They have nothing in common!
by meyzeek-lover April 5, 2005
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One of the most well known kids in school for his retardedness. Often used to describe a lack of intelligence. Frequently used as an adjective for a person that is a blob of stinky rotting fat that everyone would like to launce to the farthest hated country
Did suraj just run out of the dorm at science camp naked?

Tim has less intelligence than suraj

Hey! that is a suraj!
by brainless_one March 18, 2004
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1)to express excessive arrogance, and general cockiness
2)to do something horribly.
3)general negative qualities of human beings.
I've lost 10 games of pool, I have suraj quality!

I'm so great, everyone loves me, I've got suraj quality.

Ha, he's gay, he's suraj like!
by jj. February 15, 2004
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Extremely based and epic godly Level gamer. Radiant in valorant and Pred in Apex. Extremely good looking and based. Overall sigma male gigachad who clowns on inferior life
Suraj s is very based
by Basedgamer637827 November 14, 2021
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I love my sisters Anjali and Priti!!!
Hey my sisters think i'm a gumball am i really?Bob
by Suraj April 16, 2005
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