adjective: describes the feeling one receives whenever they think about or are with someone who makes them ridiculously happy. The experience of satisfaction with someone you're falling in love with. Often usued in the same sentence with the word kitten.
I heard that Beth is smitten with that kid Ryan Gipson.
by bethani zev March 14, 2007
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to be falling in love with someboby;or already being in love with someone
castle and beckett are smitten with each other
by t.v.lover July 1, 2010
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A person who gets people to fall in love with them, or become smitten with them. This can either be intentional or accidental.
-"I really like Samantha. I like her a lot."
-"Well of course you do. Look at her. She's totally a smittener."
by IFearChuckNorris February 22, 2014
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When you're trying to portray your feelings to camber but you gotta keep it lowkey
Yo bro, that one chick was being really smitten today, I wonder why.
by Camber_11 April 21, 2017
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Being absolutely enamoured with every aspect of someone. Their smile, the stupid jokes, the way they look at you.

If you're picturing someone right now, yeah you're smitten.
When Crowley fell he dared God to smite him. So she sent Aziraphale to him and said, "There, now you're smitten."
by idkwhyjustletmelive March 10, 2022
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adjective: the feeling one receives whenever they think about someone who makes them ridiculously happy. Feeling that the person is totally amazing and you have a fabulous time with them no matter what you are doing together. You are so comfortable being around them
I am quite smitten
by NormanB@tes August 3, 2018
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