A person that starts arguments out of nowhere every time they engage in conversation about a topic they don't care, don't know, or don't have any context for just for the sake of starting an argument.
Person 1: "We need more people for this activity! Let's ask X."
Person 2: "Oh, don't invite him, he's a total scrunt. He'll ruin it for all of us!"
by PotatoCarrot29 April 13, 2023
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A cunt of the scruffiest variety AKA Scruffy Cunt
You fuckin scrunt
by felchmeister general October 29, 2003
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Worse than a slut, not as bad as a cunt.
That broad was nothin' but a two bit scrunt!!!
by ElGreatDan0 April 19, 2009
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1. The result produced when a cunt is smashed by a flying headbut.
2. derogotory term used to describe a slut or fuckhead.
Has it's origins from busted up weekends.
1. Looks like she's been kicked in her scrunt guts.
2. I am scrunt munted!
by Baz April 22, 2004
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A combination of scrooge and cunt. A person who has the time, resources and skill to put up christmas lights but refuses
That dude in Belle Meade with no lights is a straight scruntin.
by rdawg2012 December 13, 2010
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