Sana is a medium height girl with long hair. She may not be the most prettiest but her personality attracts guys like a flower attracts bees. She always manages to get close to a person willing the person to tell her all their secrets. She doesn't like people being too touchy or showy of their affection as it doesn't please her.She likes hugs and she is a total food person. No matter what she eats she never seems to gain weight. She likes hanging out with boys more than girls and everyone considers her as this girl who is amazingly fun to hang out with.She always considers herself ugly even though she is adorable. She doesn't like relationships as they affect her emotionally, so she stays away from them. She loves aesthetically pleasing things and the boy she will fall in love with will not be very typical. He will be different and you wouldn't notice him at a distance.
I like hanging out with sana
Sana gets all the guys
by Lolopbunnies May 31, 2018
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Sana is a very beautiful, funny and open-minded girl, but don't remind her to often because she already knows it and is probably going to get even more narcissistic. Sana is a good person, and is very cool to hang out with though.
Person 1 : hey, did you hear Sana got a new hot girlfriend ?
Person 2 : it doesnt surprise me, she is hot herself.
by Emmastein June 9, 2020
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Miss New York Teen USA 2008
a true beauty queen with high intellect and beauty that makes men melt like a popsicle aka jizz in pants
Omg did you see that Sana! made me jizz my pants
by Michael Moon July 8, 2009
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Sana is a great person and is loved by many. they are very much cool. they are a bit sussy but nonetheless they are very smart and kind. sana is the best living organism. sana obsesses with everything they find and annoys everyone around them.
knowing person: omg do you know sana???

not knowing person: no…whos sana??

knowing person: sana is the best person ever, silly goose!

not knowing person: oh my god my life is complete!!! *explodes*
by emo queen lol xd July 10, 2021
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A woman who is incredibly pretty, book and street smart. She is the most amazing person alive and if you dont think so then, f outta here. Every guy wants to be with her but sucks for them, since sana likes a guy named Phil ;
Guy 1: Look sana is just by herself.
Guy 2: Dude no, she likes phil and phil likes her too.
Guy 1: Oh shit Phil? lets gtfo man.
Guy 2: We out!
by pmoneystack October 26, 2010
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An incredibly cool person who is amazing beyond belieffff.
-Dude, that girl is SO Sana.
-Tell me about it.
by Fiyurrr April 26, 2007
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Sana is a name of Arabic origin. Sana usually means "bright". Though sometimes is defined as a short brat.
Banroop, "Oh Look, It is Sana!"
Zeeshan, "She is so short"
Banroop, "What do you mean, she is so radiant UwU"
by Kaprisun_ May 15, 2021
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