The word is used in a variety of contexts mainly when it is referring to someone you think of as a friend, as a greeting and as a way of saying thank you. The word is derived from the idea of literally being 'safe' when you are with a person, the idea that you will come to no harm.
He is safe, do not hit him.
Safe for letting me borrow your pencil.
Safe, I will speak to you tomorow.
by Gooneytoon May 12, 2008
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A person who is well alright or a good mate
man he's safe now leave off him
man james lent me his car he well safe
here u go james dat burger u asked for oh thanks safe
by m()rgan May 28, 2006
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Safe meaning British slang for something being fine or good.
Donny 1: "Just picked up a gram"
Donny 2: "Ah that's Safe"
by KashyKans June 10, 2019
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A friend or close confidant that you prearrange to accompany you to an event when the social situation is uncertain.
I need a safe here early for my party tomorrow. I don't want my other guest to be uncomfortable being the first to arrive.

I'm going to a bar with a group of people i just met, will you be my safe?
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1. hello
2. good
3. thnx rich
2. safe yer
3. ye ye safe
by June 3, 2003
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slang for condoms, used to eliminate any awkwardness in a social situation where you don't want everyone around to know what you are saying.
example 1
girl; "Damn I'm out of safes, do you have any?"
guy; "yeah, don't worry about it, I got this."

example 2
"there's no way he's getting anywhere tonight without safes"
by acrosome January 13, 2012
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can be used as a greeting or as a thankyou
Safe man: hello man or Safe dude: thanks dude
by XSqueekX January 31, 2007
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