A person who is the embodiment of a potato.
Iam is a potat.
by iambroitisme January 26, 2013
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Characterized by having the qualities or resemblance to anything related to Ireland or Down Syndrome.
The girl did not want to date Kyle because of his potatic tendencies.

Griffin's potatic facial features made him a good fit in the Irish pub.
by Patty O'Potato September 29, 2013
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1. (Noun) - The act of being a potato
2. (Adjective) - Being similar to a potato
1) Potatoes will potate underneath the sun
2) John sat there being potate, watching the television
by Pieacasio March 11, 2017
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1. Synonym for hell no; a more polite and funnier way to say it.
2. How potatoes say no.
1. Person 1: "can I have one of your cookies?"
Person 2: "potate-no!"

2. Potato 1: "do you have any cookies?"
Potato 2: "potate-no!"
by Thedreaminterpreter October 3, 2013
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a short and funny way of saying potato, you can use this with friends or anyone when you see a potato by exclaiming "potat!"
Joe saw a potato so he yelled "potat!", the neighbors became very confused.
by jay-fandoms March 7, 2019
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p oh-t eɪ t
(to) potate, v.

To miss multiple shots in a first-person-shooter in a row, often emptying many whole magazines before dying because of giving away your position.

potato, n.

One who occupies the very meaning of bad aim. This person has only killed one player in his entire life playing fps games – i.e. his mom.
–playing a battle royale match–

_player sprays multiple rounds in "your direction" ;) _
you: wtf, there's a guy there!

_player still shooting_
you: oh... a potato...
_player still shooting_
_you, standing in the open, headshot the player and kill him_
you: he potated hard there
by that_streetacated_teenger April 26, 2019
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A potate is very similar to a potato or a potat, A potate is a very rare species. You can find a potate at your local minecraft server if you're lucky. If you are really eager to get a sighting of a potate, head to some danti aminos. Now how do you tell a potate from a potato or a potat? Well a potate is a kind of potato that ships danti.
Omg! A potato! Nope.. it's just a potate..
by Groinitis September 16, 2018
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