3 definitions by Thedreaminterpreter

An awesome girl who is really tall and loves volleyball. She is really strong and can lift her short friends. She is totally cray cray and can make ANYONE laugh. Her friends call her Tay.
Person 1: That girl is so cray cray!
Person 2: she's totally a Taverly.
by Thedreaminterpreter May 30, 2013
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A curse word to use if you're around your parents or other adults; the more polite way to curse.
by Thedreaminterpreter October 3, 2013
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1. Synonym for hell no; a more polite and funnier way to say it.
2. How potatoes say no.
1. Person 1: "can I have one of your cookies?"
Person 2: "potate-no!"

2. Potato 1: "do you have any cookies?"
Potato 2: "potate-no!"
by Thedreaminterpreter October 3, 2013
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