"Si chiama Pietro, torna indietro." Locuzione usata quando si presta qualcosa a qualcuno per sottolineare il volere che il suddetto oggetto ritorni al legittimo proprietario.
"Prendi l'accendino. Si chiama Pietro ok?"
by sèm April 1, 2015
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A fat whore dragon bitch type of person who would do anything for money.
Wow that girl`s such a pietro`s mom
by Anonymon November 11, 2014
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They love to beat women. They hate learning and spend all their time in their mother's basement, playing valorant or genshin impact. Again they love to beat women and moderate between 10-15 discord servers. Most of the time their heritage derives from Italy. They are really rare to encounter in the wild but when you do, take a picture!
Look at that guy he is such a "Luca Pietro Wendelboe Franchini"
Oh no he's acting like a "Luca Pietro Wendelboe Franchini"
by hiimmmmmmm May 4, 2022
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A Sicilian man around 5’6 with a huge enormous cock. Every girl loves him. Best pizza man that walked the face of earth. Every man is jealous of him. Pietros are Full of tattoos and have a cock you can’t miss
Girl: Have you seen Pietro his cock it’s enormous
by Youshnow March 7, 2023
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The GOAT! (Greatest Of All Time)
Has a 14 inch penis
Fresh ash
Kid 1:Yo did you see that kid name pietro gambino
kid 2: Yeah, he’s fresh ash
by Piet the G November 10, 2019
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Jailton Pietro is a brazilian artist who loves draw, paint, fashion and share his feelings through writing. Creates content for the WEB since 2008.
by Alice Mary July 10, 2017
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Pietro Fanelli
Pietro Fanelli dio greco
by Pietro Fanelli November 25, 2021
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