The act or artform of violating another co-worker(s') anal cavity, (ie. screwing) due to laziness, insufficient brain capacity, lack of a soul, or generally not giving a shit for the sole benefit of ones own selfish gain.
I got Paxed by Walmart when I went to pick up my lay-a-way boom box only to find out they had sold it to another customer.
by mulchman February 11, 2011
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ntt's crazy zany american slang
23:56:07 *nttrdw* am i gettin paXED
by captain canuck August 21, 2003
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PAX is when a bunch of guys get together and rent out a motel room then they try to pack in as many boys as they can in the room until all their chests are touching
Martin: Hey man you going to PAX?

Johnson: Yeah bro PAX is gonna be sweet!
by fishesbishes March 28, 2014
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To have your life turned upside down, or negatively altered, by the undisclosed side effects and improper administration of a prescription medication like Paxil.
His life was paxed after a family practitioner prescribed Paxil, based on the drug manufacturer's false advertising and hidden clinical trial results, causing him to become hypomanic and lose his family and job.
by L.El-Bofa June 2, 2018
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to fuck passionately
"Hey Ross, heard you paxed that girl last night"
by paxpaxpax August 8, 2019
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Pax a name for a rat who has marmite hair and rummages through bins in search of food.
Oh shit look out a PAX

mum whats PAX doing?
by 123kids April 30, 2019
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