a term used to describe somebody with mulliganitis, a disease that tends to infect non-athletic young men who attempt to play sports and fail miserably, usually resulting in structural damage to a knee, ankle, etc.
Wow, remember when Zack the NARP tore his ACL playing flag football?
by DareWilliams December 29, 2011
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Non Athletic Real People. People who go to a gym, workout class, or anything athletic and have no business being there, which is reflected in both their effort and physical appearance.

In the event of an alien invasion they would be the first to get captured and turned into fertilizer.
Today in class when everyone was doing partner pushups that NARP girl was on her knees hi-fiving the air then left 10 minutes early.
by T Macalicious March 28, 2013
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Narp stands for National Asociation of Real People!
Dude: Hey are you into larping?
Bro: Nah I'm apart of Narp.

*shows tattoo*
Dude: woah, how do I join?!
by CptSG May 25, 2017
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Acronym for Non-Athletic Regular Person. Your schools lacrosse team probably shouts it at you while you walk by.
Wow Sebi is such a narp.
by coolbeans5678 May 9, 2011
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Not a real person.

1) Someone who exists in Facebook statuses and photo albums, but not in real life. If you log off, they stop existing, kind of like how monsters go away when you turn on the lights.
2) Someone who many talk about but few have seen. Tends to pop up fleetingly in social gatherings, only to disappear again. Sightings are rare and usually unconfirmed, like the Yeti or Loch Ness Monster.
As far as celebrities go, Bill Murray is the biggest NARP in Hollywood.
by princeofpersiaaaaaa September 21, 2011
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Someone unable to cure their own hiccups.
"Meg is such a NARP. She's had the hiccups since lunch."
by changdadddy June 28, 2016
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A Non-Athletic Regular Person. NARPS are commonly seen trying to perform rather easy or basic athletic tasks but failing miserably at them. Such tasks include gym class kickball, dodgeball, flag football, ultimate frisbee, beach volleyball, and swimming. On rare occasions however you will catch a NARP trying to perform mildly advance soccer trick known only as the jester. or a nerd. someone who is not athletic at all.
NARPS could be friends of basketball players who try to play basketball with them and fail miserably.
by kparian April 22, 2010
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