Mount Olive is an upper class township in New Jersey, where every freaking person thinks they're gangster, but dont know that actual meaning. They go off (the whitest kids) "yo, yo whaddupp g- squizzle fo shizzle". Yeah mhmm. And i mean really white kids say this thinking theyre the next big thing.
Then everyone's emo. Everyone. They listen to the most hardcore music or at least say they do, and everyone is obsessed with emo. Whether its music, personality, or style. "I think shes emo" "OMG are you emo?" I cannot go on about the humongus shoes. DC, etnies, circa, emerica, vans, gallaz, you name it. The bigger the shoe, the better. Everyone owns some kind of huge skateboarding shoe. Along with Element or Fox clothing. "Water, Fire, Your Mom." And heres another thing. To every stupid single response theres always someone who says "your mom". And between every single word every one goes "BAAAALLINN'" But now the new thing is to say "Balling." (In the stupidest voice ever, like in the "omg shoes" video.) Yeah everyones so cool.
In Mount Olive, the coolest hangout apparently is the Dunkin Donuts. Theres a lot of them and one of the most popular ones is the one by the Home Goods. Kids smoke, sit on the hoods of their cars there, blast music. Its so kewl, yeah, mhmm. By the way, that Dunkin Donuts was recently driven into, shattered. Yeah sucks we all know. Sucks for the 12 year old kids who buy iced coffee from there. Another ever popular hang out is the Lou Nelson Park. I personally have been offered drugs there to which i kindly responded no and went home, afraid these people were going to kill me. They drive to that secluded park only to play bball and smoke blunts and get high off quaps and scare little kids. Im not saying they would do anything but in the area near Budd Lake, theres been like 4 cases in one year. Down the street from me somebody attacked a person with scissors and threw a telephone at them. Further down the street somebody was murdered. Around the corner, a man killed himself because his wife left him. Closer to Flanders, somebody was shot and thrown in the dumpster.
All girls in Mount Olive obssess over Laguna Beach, The Hills, etc. They think Mount Olive is a mini version of the totally melodramatic series of Laguna Beach. They think its the most dramatic place every where "shit" always happens. Theres so many rumors, drama, bitchfits, fights, this and that, omg no way's, he said, she said. Yeah believe it or not that happens everywhere.
People think Mount Olive is the kewlest place ever. On their myspaces its always "IM FROM THE BIG MO" Maybe like .5% of the United States population knows about it, its not that popular. They actually made shirts that say "DUDE, WHERES MOUNT OLIVE?" MO Spirit Wear is like the next big thing, sweatpants, gymbags sweatshirts, flannel pjs. And its all worn to the football games that everyone goes to. But only like 1/2 of the people going there actually watch the game. The rest of the people screw around by the concession with the other 200 kids, who dont come back to the bleachers to watch the game after half-time.
Kids always try to start food fights, but NEVER get away with it. Theres always police men in our schools. The teachers will always find out somehow and then theres 30 teachers and police in the cafeteria.
Everyone goes to the rockaway mall, and thats another hangout. Also everyone walks everywhere. Like to everywhere. No matter how far it is.
6th graders think theyre awesome, get high, and are more likely to get knocked up than seniors.
Well theres your basic description of Mount Olive.
God its so boring here in Mount Olive.
by allliiieeee April 29, 2007
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Mount Olive is a suburb in Morris county New Jersey including two towns; Budd Lake and Flanders; where all the kids feel the need to act all gangster and smoke weed like crazy. There's not even a true MOUNTAIN in Mount Olive, just some midget ass hill that they decided to name the district after. Every kid in MO knows where to get some pot if they really need it. The high school sucks; the inside looks like some psych ward and anyone that goes there knows that "The choice.. is yours." Don't get me started on the football team. Mount Olive has the most pride out there, yet the football team sucks balls and never wins. Ever. I usually end up cheering for the other team at the football games and pretend like I don't live in MO, because I am quite ashamed of it. Everyone shows up to the games despite the fact though; most kids smoke or the girls give blow jobs out in the woods there. The cops are all assholes that don't have anything better to do except harass the teenagers. Oh, if you're not in Dunkin Donuts, you arent cool, and if you don't walk everywhere, you're not cool either. 8th graders have been suspended for sending out nude pics of their flat chested selves, and they're more likely to get pregnant than anyone else in MO. Basically, if you're planning on moving to Mount Olive, I highly suggest you DON'T.
"Mount Olive? That sounds like a nice place..."
"You must be high fool..."
by MOHS student October 26, 2009
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a town where only weird people live, girls all think it's some "miniature version of laguna beach" but really just a crappy town in north new jersey where there happens to be 5 dunkin donuts within 1/2 a mile from eachother. and a place where 6th graders do drugs. and where all the sports the whole town does their all "proud" and "MO PRIDE" even though they lose at least 75% of all their games. and everyone is emo. and everyone listens to dashboard confessional and hellogoodbye and they say that they listen to panic at the disco but really they think that "lying is the most fun a girl can have without taking her clothes off" is called "teen hearts beating faster".
"where do u live"
"mount olive"
"*throws paper at them* GET AWAY!"
by pinkicecream April 20, 2006
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the most capitalist town I’ve ever lived in for almost my whole life that only cared about their reputation of being “the best top schools in the world!!! 🤪🤩” how is it that most of the people from MO literally act soo snobby and selfish, not to mention the amount of ableism I saw happen as a middle schooler really makes me BEYOND upset that even ever existed. ik the teachers there don’t really suck as much yk but not everyone has access to accommodations and ppl act like kids with undiagnosed neurodivergent traits should’ve done something abt it bc capitalism is the only thing that matters in MO.
Remember Mount Olive that relies on capitalism??
by penisisfunny22 October 28, 2021
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Where people think owning a jeep is a personality trait. This sophmore group think they are the shit for being friends with a guatemalan refugee who was held back and will be turning 18 next year. They also post photos of other people’s boyfriends and have no personality they have to steal the junior classes.
You moved to Mount Olive? Go back to where you came from.
by soccerfifacup117 May 27, 2020
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