1.A little Korean Pie/Pastry made of grass and herbs.

2. A term used between two people of utmost comfort to get the others attention.

3.A secret language created by a duo to confuse others and therefore make those around them just that much crazier.

4. An orgasmic word shouted during climax
"Is that moofi tasting good?"


"Moo Moo Moofi?"

by Moofiman24 September 18, 2007
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Being very moody and goofy at the same time.
Bob: "Hey guys what's up?"
Joe: "Nothing much Buttercup."
Bob: "What the crap was that saying."
Joe: "Well fine then. Forget you."
Bob; "Dang your freakin moofy right now!"
Joe: "What ever Dude just kidding."
by bergie404 October 8, 2011
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A moofy is an upgraded paypig to a pay cow. The name comes from the sound it makes as it pays its financial dominatrix
My Moofy sent me a huge tribute.
I ignored my moofy after he sent a large tribute
He moofed as he pressed send
by Queensullysavage September 7, 2018
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calling dibs on a fine female, similar to calling shotgun for the front seat of a car
That girl is cute moofies
by John Francisco April 15, 2007
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If someone is in possesion of something you really want, you moofie it and its yours to keep.. no if ands or buts.
Lauren: yo let me get that lighter
Caitlin: here ya go (hands her the lighter)
Caitlin: aw man =(
by PMafia June 16, 2006
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A Damn Fine Girl Tht Dresses Like A Guy:P
Also known As Merida Hahaa:P
Ally; "Tht Girl Is Damn Fine"

Brittaniee; "Yaah ii know shes sooo MOOFIE! x)
by Ally+Brittaniee September 27, 2008
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noun, verb, adjective, adverb, basically anything you want...

Essentially, "moofi" is anything and everything you can imagine. It's most commonly used in exclamation. Phrases like "I'll tell Moofi..." and "that's so moofi" are just fun to say. It doesn't really mean anything in particular, which is why it's so useful.
Person 1: hey, wasn't that your boyfriend just talking to that other girl??
Person 2: um... I'll tell Moofi about you and that one girl...
Person 1: MOOFI.
by Pretty Emily August 2, 2004
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